Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Back in the Motherland

Sooooo, I realize that I wrote very little about my travels in India, but in true Tricia fashion, I'm choosing to abort that mission and just move on.  Why do I suck at finishing stuff?  I am the damn queen of abandoning books before they are over.  All I need is ANYTHING else to distract me, and I'm over it!  As an example, I only read 6 Harry Potters. (cue the gasp) I straight-up DIDN'T FINISH THE SERIES!  Everytime HP is mentioned I politely ask people not to mention how it ends.  Ya know, in case I ever get to it.  THAT, though, has a lot to do with the book's gerth.  I mean it's huge.  It's like lugging a boxy toddler around...I just don't have the guns for that.  Maybe my guns would be more toned if I carried Half-Blood Prince around for a year or two.  That or I'll develop scoliosis or some shit.  With my free time I think I'll just re-watch episodes of Happy Endings on my computer instead.  Oh, and BLOG!  Yes, I should blog more.

So I'm back in the land of kimchi!!! I've been in Korea for about 3 weeks now, and everything is just peachy!  I am living in a different apartment buidling, but there are a lot of teachers from my school here, so that's quite nice.  I am doing my best to frequent my favorite Korean bar, JJ' THAT I am good at.  Cheap beer and cute Korean boys? YES PLEASE!!  But serrrriously, smoking is ass-nasty and I cannot believe it isn't banned here yet.  It's ga-ross.  Thank god for Febreeze!

It's been sooooo nice reuniting with some peeps (and tiny students!) that I've missed (agghem, Alex & Elyse).  Alex leaves in a month, so I'll probably cry.  Wasn't there some old candy that was sour and was supposed to make you cry?  I think it will feel like I am chowing down on 2,000 of those.  In a bad way. :-(  Elyse will be here til November (thank Allah!), and she continues to take ridiculously awesome photos everywhere we go.  Saturday she concocted a photo booth to take pics at a going-away party for our friends, Mark & Bobbi.  They're moving to Germany so it says goodbye in Korean and hello in German.  RAD MUUUUUCH???  It's rather inspiring. 

I'll post some mediocre photos that I've taken with my bad-ass professional camera soon.  Hopefully she can teach me some shiz and I'll blow your minds right to smitherines.. (what the shit does that mean? Whatevs, I like it)

Okay, that's all you get, but I PROMISE I will try to write semi-often to give you the Disha on Tricia. (see what I did there?)  If you're reading this, I probably love you, so DON'T FORGET IT!!

Peace in the Middle East,

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