Saturday, February 23, 2013

Taiwan is for Lovers!

Well hey there, random facebook friends loyal readers!!  Look at me now-2 posts in one month!  You're welcome.

A few days after Christmas, my crew and I headed to Taipei, Taiwan for New Years. My cuz Brendan even made the trek from Cleveland to meet us, which was AWESOME!! After spending 5 days in Taipei, he came back to Seoul with us and hung here for about a week. My foot was kind of jacked up, but he was an explorer-extraordinaire and SERIOUSLY made the very best of his time here. Kudos, dear cousin!! Here are some highlights!

We befriended some super cool Taiwanese middle school kids and convinced them to do a sweet photo shoot! ^^

Penis pastry, anyone??

Yune's totally into me...

Wuv.  Twu wuv.

Pretty tame day on the streets in our neighborhood...

Jolly Brewery [one of many we visited...]

DONG 101
Lebron, you bastardo...taking over Taiwan, too!?
The MOST righteous beef noodle soup ever me.

I mean, OBVIOUSLY we went to Hooters.

Bubbles, you never cease to amaze me!!

Happy New Year suckaaaas!
Our New Year's eve was the most amazingly gay night of my life.  ELyse and I wore fake eyelashes, so that was inspiring:

We ended up in a gay neigborhood with tons of bars, and a huge stage with drag performers and a dj allllll night.  There were sooooo many men...herds and herds!  We there was NO tomorrow.  We were pretty much the only women there, and definitely the only straight people.  It was...epic.  We started a RIGHTEOUS dance circle, which the gays LOVED (no surprise there).  AND THERE WERE GAY BADASS FIREWORKS!! The next day I felt like Tom Power after a wedding ("I think both my ankles are broken.")

All in all, Taipei was AWESOME.  Besides the rain every. single. day, we saw lots of cool sights and temples, ate awesome food, met some rad people and partied like it was 1999.  I can't wait for our nexy adventure!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Essentially a Year in Review. By Accident.

Sup, sup, ya'll?? Blah blah blah, I suck at blogging.  But here I am again-I'm back, baby! #bowsgratuitously

So I'm sure you're all thinking the exact same thing: 'What's new pussycat?'  Besides Tom Jones' popularity skyrocketing at this very moment (you're WELCOME, TJ!) a lot has been - a - happenin over here in the far East.  It's currently Lunar New Year, which means very little to me OTHER THAN the fact that we don't have school tomorrow, so it's basically my new favorite holiday. ^^

Okay, so I'm just now realizing that I haven't blogged since our Japanese bike trip from Hades in September (although in all seriousness, it was a-mazing..)  Since then we celebrated a little ditty I like to call "Christmas".  Here is a saweet photo taken by my very talented hetero-life partner, Elyse.  Her dad dressed as Santa one day for a photo booth at school.

Ok now I have to ree-hee-HEAAAALLY back track.  Halloween at school!  Here's a little sampler platter:

Before THAT was Chuseok, which is like the Korean Thanksgiving.  The kiddos wear their traditional Korean clothes (Hanboks) and we play games and celebrate all day at school.  SO much fun! [Elyse came and visited my classroom in the morning, too!]

Arm Wrestling is NOOOO joke for Benny and Rex...

When the leaves change in the fall, Olympic Park is absolutely beauutiful, so Elyse and I spent a day taking pictures and basking in the beauty that mother nature so aptly bestowed on us. Was that a haiku?  It should be...


In October we also had a field day with our kinder and preschool kids at the park.  We are literally across the street from Olympic Park, and we had to take buses-hilarious!  Reminded me of when I took a bus to Dover school for Kindergarten.  I mean, I could seriously throw a rock and hit the school from our house...SAFETY FIRST, PEOPLE!!

Ok, I realize I'm still not caught up, BUT this was a start.  Next blog will be about Taiwan for New Year's Eve with cousin Brendo!!  I will write it in 6 months soon! Peace out, loyal readers!
Love you. Mean it. Click.