Saturday, August 18, 2012

안녕하세요, Readers! (that's fancy Korean for hello)

Hey guys, it's me, TRISH!  Soooo, what's up?  Cool cool cool...same here.  Want some deets?  Well get ready, cuz they're comin atcha!! (God, I'm a loser)

Since Jeju Island, I've been working like cray-cray (nothing new), but I've managed to squeeze in some fun along the way.  Last night (Saturday) I stayed in and cleaned my apartment like a BOSS.  Seriously, you could have made one sweet-ass movie montage to the obvious tune, "Mambo # 5" "Everybody's Workin for the Weekend" by Loverboy.  Tricia sweeping-->cut to Tricia mopping-->cut to Tricia wiping sweat of her brow with an accompanyting deep breath out-->cut to Tricia going to TOWN on the bathroom tile a la Mr. Clean (or in Korea Mr. Homestar)  -->cut to Tricia collapsing on the bed (yeah, I have no other furniture) and blowing the bangs off her forehead with a sigh of relief.  Can you picture it??  I know I can, but then again, I was there.  How nice is it to wake up to a spanky clean apartment?  Wait, that doesn't sound right...shiny clean? No....What IS it?? SQUEAKY CLEAN!!!  Man, that took me longer than this blog illustrates.  Sometimes I think I have early onset-Alzheimer's.  Or I'm just too smart and there is no more room in my melon for organized information.  Let's pretend it's the latter,


 I jacked something up with the formatting up there, and I have no idea how to fix it.  It's seriously driving me NUTS.  Serenity now, Power.  Harness your chi. 

A couple weekends ago, Elyse and I made a photo scavenger hunt to do around our neighborhood (The rough streets of the Gangdong-gu...pretty sure they've been referenced by Dr.Dre).  All in all, it was Ah-Maaaaah-zing.  Everyone had a really awesome time; we embarassed ourselves just enough without being too culturally insensitive and it was super fun.  We had three teams of 4 or 5, and we had 2.5 hours to complete as many tasks as possible, each with a predetermined point value.  Obviously the easy ones (like take a picture of a Korean in acid-washed jeans', or 'find 2 koreans on one bike') were only 2 points, but trickier ones ('get a team jumping photo on a rooftop', or anything involving drinking) were worth more.  Here are some highlights from "Team Balls":
'Get a part-time Korean job (uniform required)'

Here she is in all her glory!

'Jumping high-five with 2 random Koreans'

'Ride on the back of  a Korean's bike for 2 extra points'

'Couple Wear!!'
'Take a photo with a waiter at Davinci's Italian Restaurant'

'Find a bad-ass Korean with tats' (This is quite rare, actually)

'Make an obscene guesture behind an old fart'

'Chug a triple at Bier Garten'
In unrelated new, there are only 2 more weeks in the semester, and then I'll be switching from Knder to Preschool in the mornings.  They are going to seem so smalllll...and dumb!  I'm certainly up for the challenge  pants peeing and all, and don't tell my kids, but the preschool kiddos are way cuter...  There are more preschool classes next semester, and I will actually be staying on the Kinder floor, so I'll still get to see my dudes and dudettes in the hallways.  YIPPEEEE!  Here's my all-time favorite Earthling from Earth Class.  This is Ethan.  Trouble-maker, super-smart, voice-of-an-80 year old-smoker, extraordinaire.

Two more weeks also means it's almost time to say goodbye to my best friend, Alex.  This makes me incredibly sad, but I know that his feelings about staying are really similar to mine.  We couldn't live here forever, because we wouldn't want to be so far from our families. We love Korea more than ANYTHING, but we kind of feel like it's so far-removed from our real lives in North America that it seems as if everything back home will be on hold.  But it's not.  We might not be 'living' there, but everyone else's lives are moving forward (hello 50 marriages and babies this year!).  It's almost like staying here is delaying the inevitable of starting a "real life".  Not that this life isn't real for us, because it is, but no one at home can ever truly understand it.  To quote Wedding Crashers, "we're not that young".  I need to find a place in America, and find me a man, and have some babies...I was BORN for babies, and I don't really want to end up a creepy cat-lady.  But I mean, cats are cute.

The kids might be sadder than I am when Alex leaves.  They absolutely worship him.  He's like the super creepy cool Uncle that everyone dreams of, who has endless energy and makes you giggle more than anyone else.  Okay, this is coming out creepy, but that's not my intention. Exhibit A:

Ok, I've been working on this for wayyyyyyyyyyyy too long, because I am blog-illiterate and everything keeps getting jacked up.  So, I'm going to stop now before I punch a hole in my laptop.  And yes, I'm strong enough to do that, so please don't challenge me.


P.S. Here's a couple pics of my little neighborhood from the roof of my apartment building. Cute, huh?
In other news, apparently I'm a part-time peeping tom. ^^

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